Sunday 29 June 2014


Why The SME Lending Landscape Is A Scary Place To Be At The Moment...

Thousands of businesses are being forced to sell assets, being pushed into administration or locked into punishing financial lending relationships - yet there appears to be no credible check in place to tackle such behaviour.
Berg's banking report digs deeper into what has been happening in UK business banking and asks what's happened, why and what businesses can do next;
 •   Understanding the FCA Review: why the Courts are the only option left for many businesses
•    Who is investigating the banks?
•    What evidence has been submitted to the Treasury Select Committee SME Lending Enquiry?

•    Case studies & insights from SMEs
 •    From mis-sold swaps to abuse of property assets and beyond; unravelling the next potential banking scandal
•    Find out what options are available to you if you find you've been affected

"Openness and transparency are the bedfellows of better SME banking and it is our hope that the issues raised in this report will paint a more accurate picture of the current SME banking landscape than that which is currently portrayed in the banks' own figures and testimonies"
Alison Loveday, Managing Partner

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