Monday, 14 July 2014

Newsletter 101


Welcome to the RABF newsletter.

The year has gone well for the campaign for robust regulation of asset based finance industry.

The highlight so far was the Treasury Select committee where the Chairman of ABFA was made to feel very uncomfortable – rightly so.  How can you defend the indefinable?  If you wish to view the hearing I would suggest you start viewing after 11:00, it gets very interesting after 11:30.   I was very impressed with the knowledge of the Members of Select committee.

As a group we are meeting a senior advisor to the Minister in charge of regulation of asset based finance on Thursday – which is key to our ability to achieve regulation.

We need case studies urgently to give to the Minister and to the Treasury Select committee – please can you contact me.

If you need an ear to listen to or point you in the direction of help just either ring or email.  Remember all though it was not one of the objectives of this virtual group – it has become an important part of what we do.  This is always someone else who has been damaged by these people who’s learnt.

Even with the new code of conduct and ombudsman service from ABFA the behaviour of the bottom feeders continues unabated.

If you feel that there may be people who would like a copy of the newsletter please do not hesitate to either pass on the newsletter or get them to contact RABF.

I will make this a monthly newsletter, being produced the end of every month.

Any feedback on what you would like to see in this moving forward would really be appreciated.

On a personnel note funding the campaign is tough on my wage – but this is a labour of love and every time we help someone or move to the next step it is a marvellous feeling.

I would also like to thank the small group who support me on a weekly basis – over the last few years there are so many people who have helped.

If you do not want to receive the newsletter please do not hesitate to email me back and I will take you off the mailing list.

Best wishes

Brian Moore
For and behalf of
The Campaign for the Regulation of the Asset Based Finance Industry

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