Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Do not forget the corrupt factoring industry

If you have been affected by mis-treatment from Banks (RBS GRG, HBoS Reading and other so called business support units) Please send the notice from th APPG On Fair Business Banking below to your MP and ask them to support this motion by contacting Heather Buchanan by 12pm tomorrow!


The treatment of SMEs by RBS' GRG and how does the current system fail to
protect businesses?

That this House is appalled at the conduct that has recently been exposed
concerning the treatment of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by the
Global Restructuring Group (GRG) unit of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS);
notes that there are wider allegations of malpractice in financial services
and related industries; believes that this indicates a systemic failure to
effectively protect businesses, which has resulted in financial scandals
costing tens of billions of pounds; believes that the solution requires the
collective and collaborative effort of regulators, parliament and
government; and calls for an independent inquiry into practices in respect
of the treatment of SMEs and the protections afforded them, and the rapid
establishment of a tribunal system to effectively deal with financial
disputes for businesses.

Heather Buchanan

Director of Policy and Strategy

APPG on Fair Business Banking

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