Friday, 16 January 2015

10 advisors from same firm convicted of forgery
It is only a matter of time before people involved in forgery in the asset based finance industry end up behind bars

Ten advisors from the same firm have all been convicted with forgery offences.

10 people who worked for back-to-work and finance advice provider, A4e, between 2008 and 2011, were convicted of forgery. This was orchestrated in order to benefit from a Government Scheme.

The individuals obtained money fraudulently by stating they had helped individuals find jobs, where they had not or in some cases the clients did not even exist. Forged documentation was deployed to support the claims.

Commenting on the case, Detective Inspector Gavin Tyrrell from the Thames Valley Police’s Economic Crime Unit, said: “Together, these 10 people acted dishonestly to abuse a scheme which was designed to help those who had been out of work for long periods and were trying to find jobs in what was a very difficult employment climate. Financial rewards had been introduced in order to help that process and these defendants took advantage of that for their own personal gain.”

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RABF on a weekly basis continues to receive examples of factoring companies, lawyers and in some cases their appointed insolvency practitioners committing forgery on an industrialised scale - There are several cases going through now that will bring real people into real criminal courts.

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