RABF would like to thank all those who supported the
Close Brothers AGM Day of Action - There were a number of people who wanted to
attend and the correct decision was made to limit numbers. This decision
was made in conjunction with the Metropolitan Police. The low key
policing of the demonstration by Haringey Command was an example of perfect
policing by consent
It is fair to say that the
demonstration achieved far more than we could have wished for and the policy of
engagement with share holders will prove to the of serious damage to the
Directors of Close Brothers - We will kept you updated via this blog over the
coming weeks.
It is also worth noting that the staff
of Close Brothers conducted them selves well unlike those of Squire Patton
Boggs (formerly Squire Sanders) on the day.
Not one Director of Close Brothers stopped to speak to demonstrators - they sulked in and scurried out - rather pathetic looking people
It was agreed by the Action Group in discussion with the Metropolitan Police to keep numbers low
Some of the constant stream of share holders of Close Brothers who stopped both going in and out of the AGM to listen and discuss the appalling treatment of Close Brothers Invoice Finance customers
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